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  • DeŽek/ Your a wondeful person, and I am very happy that we met.
  • Dug/ What's wrong with you?
  • EŽika/ Your the greatest. I know were not as close anymore but I will always remember all the good times.
  • Mandi S/ Your one of the craziest ppl I have ever met!
  • DeDe/ Ur one of the coolest peeps i have!
  • ZaŠh/ Your one of my best friends but stop being a pyro!Ur also pretty fly for a white guy!
  • Lc/ No more parties! he he :) j/k
  • Jenna/ Bff we have known eachother for like forever!
  • Kyle/ Your a cool person.
  • Tai/ What's up chic! We need to spend more time with each other.
  • Jen/ Wanna jump around and dance like idiots! Come on! I you wanna!!
  • Colleen/ You are super nice! I am happy we are fiends!
  • Melissa/ Do you like algebra! I sure do! (yea rite!)
  • Josh/ I know we aren't close anymore and we don't talk. Gimmie a call sometime. I MEAN IT! :)
  • BoB/ We use to be great friends last summer. We need to rebuild that again.
  • Tupi/ cuuuummmmmm baccccckkkk! :*(
  • Alan/ You are strange but a good friend.
  • Stacey/ Thank you for being so supportive of me over the past 3 years
  • Ashley/ My bodyguard! You are the best body guard in the world... now lets beat up Christy! :) he he
  • Renee/ Thank you for being so nice to me! I am soooo sorry for not putting you on here! CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME!:(
  • Allyson/ You have been my best friend basically forever and you always will be I promise. And I won't let you get kicked outta Academy :) he he
  • Steph/ Your a new friend of mine, not to mention a really great one I hope we get to knwo each other more and more throughout the next couple years old high school.
  • Kalie/ Hey there girly, you are one of the nicest people I have met this year, your so sweet, keep it up I love the wakoness in you!
  • Annie/ You save my life every day, what can I say, you are a hero to me, especially when there is a big man threatening to beat me involved. LoL
  • Mike L/ Well, Well buddy, look I added you to my shout outs. You better call me once and awhile!
  • Devino/ Hey buddy, thank you for being there and talking to me when i needed someone. Your a very great friend! Thank YOU!
  • Rick/ Hey, you know what? Your soo freakin nice! lol Your friend, Porky :)
  • Jamie/ Now, you best treat my Allison with the highest amount of RESPECT a girl can get. Or i will have to hurt you. :)
  • Tessa/ Thank you for listening to me, it means a lot to be able to let my feelings out and beable to cry.
  • Aaron/ Doesn't my closet look wonderful :)
  • Allison/ My best buddy! My angel! I love you to peices! He he :)